Tanya Jawab Hindu Bagi Pemula

Tanya Jawab Hindu Bagi Pemula

Here at last is a lively, compelling and truly informative book on Hinduism. Tracing this belief system from its ancient riverback origins to its present day status as a major world religion the book paints a comprehensive picture of Hinduism ritual, festival, epic tale, the caste system, scriptures, yoga and meditation, women’s role, Hinduism and Christianity the signicance of modern science and much more. Most of all, “ Am I a Hindu?” takes the reader ini a journey of discovery as it asks-and answer- life’s most timeless and enduring questions.

Karya  : Ed. Viswanatha
Ukuran : A5
Harga : 60.000
Berat +- = 600 gram

wa : 081936023593

#bukubali #bukuhindu

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